Modern Hostel Inclusive of Air Conditioned rooms, Guest room for parents, Automized digital conference hall, Campus domain based network with 10mbps leased line.

For Enquiry : 0161-2423872 / 4381505

Be a Part of Valentine’s Day & Reunion Celebration

GNGC is provinding a golden opportunity to all the passed out batches of the college to join the celebration of Valentine’s Day and Reunion on 14th February, 2025 (10 am onwards) with musical beats of DJ and varied cuisine in the college ground.

  1. Colour Code for dresses will be RED and BLACK for teachers and students.
  2. Following the dictum- Earn while You Learn, current students of the college will come forward to display their innovative spirit in Food, Nail-Art and Art and Craft stalls and many more.
  3. DJ party will be organized for recreational and cultural growth of the students alongwith ON-THE-SPOT FUN GAMES.

Students are required to submit their enteries positively by filling the google form and accept the invitation from your college:

Students may bring their female friends but they are required to bring their School and College identity cards.